December Newsletter

New short story

How are you all doing this month? I hope you’re doing well!

November was a pretty busy month for me. The time it takes for me to do school has increased, making less time for me to write.

But, I’ve still managed to finish a couple projects. One of which you will get to read today!

Quick Summary

  • NaNoWriMo update

  • Short story release

  • Among the Books Holiday Sale

  • Writing update

The 2nd Place Winner

I present to you,

my new short story… The 2nd Place Winner

It’s a middle grade contemporary short story around 2,000 words long.

Though it’s not set in the same world or with the same characters as any of my other projects, it still will give you a peek at my writing style in the middle grade age range. (My young adult projects have a fairly different tone.)

I hope you enjoy it!

Among the Books Holiday Sale

Do you need a unique, personalized gift for a book lover you know? Well, I know the perfect thing!

If you didn’t know, I have an Etsy shop: Among the Books where I sell mystery books. You pick the genre and the age range and I’ll handpick a book I’ve read and loved for you. All of the books I choose are clean and wonderful reads.

For a limited time, I have a holiday sale going for 25% of everything in my shop! Take advantage of this deal and order something from my shop before it ends on December 23rd.

NaNoWriMo Update

You may be wondering how I did with NaNoWriMo.

In case you forgot, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s a challenge that happens every November where writers from all over the world try to write 50,000 words in 30 days on a new project. (I attempted to do half that.)

Well, as I mentioned earlier, my school work load has increased quite a bit. And high school uses a significant amount of mental energy.

With school as well as extra writing, I got burnt out pretty quick.

So for the sake of my mental health and energy level, I decided not to aim quite so high.

I probably still got 25,000 words in, but just not on one project. I think that’s still a win!

Quick Writing Update

  • Finished editing The 2nd Place Winner

  • Finished editing a short story from the Grimmspire Chronicles

  • Wrote about 15,000 words on The Phoenix Pendant

Let me know if you enjoyed my new short story! And for those of you who are writers, did you do NaNoWriMo? Did you reach 50,000 words? Leave me a comment on the website that corresponds to The Introverted Writer. I’d love to hear from you!

If you know any one else who would like to read my short story or stuff like it, feel free to share the newsletter.

I hope you have a great rest of your month and happy holidays!

Abby Henderson

P.S. Make sure to open the January newsletter to hear from Erin Hylands, author of With Eyes of Blue, Fairy Tales Made Modern, and other books.


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