April Newsletter

Major Writing Milestones, Guardians of the Neighborhood, and an Interview with Rebecca Chisam

Hello, everyone! How was your month? Writing-wise March was a pretty eventful month for me!

Writing: Major Writing Milestones

Milestone #1: I finished writing The Phoenix Pendant!!!

It ended up being 60,620 words with 20 chapters + an epilogue. In honor of finishing it, I thought I’d share its current blurb with you!

When Eden’s fiance from a political marriage alliance disappears, tensions rise even higher among the tribes of the continent. In the hope of protecting their tribe from war, her father sends her on a dangerous mission for the legendary Phoenix Pendant. Eden is happy for an opportunity to prove herself to her father and his advisors who have long made her feel incompetent. Unfortunately, that means working with Ember, a boy she has long hated though he’s possibly not as hateworthy as she first thought. They must trek across the continent braving dangers, making friends, and learning things about themselves they never knew in order to find the pendant. But is the Phoenix Pendant really the savior Eden’s tribe needs?

Milestone #2: I was officially rejected for the first time!!

As I mentioned in my March Newsletter, I submitted a short story for publication for the first time. On March 29th at 9:35 am, I received an email letting me know that they wouldn't be publishing my story.

I’m actually glad it worked out this way. Why? Because if I got accepted on my first try, that could lead me to feel somewhat unstoppable and then when I inevitably get rejected for something bigger (like a book) it would hurt a lot more. Getting rejected also means I took a risk and I’m proud of myself for that!

Reading: Guardians of the Neighborhood

Guardians of the Neighborhood by Rebecca Chisam

Isn’t the cover pretty?

Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary

Age rating: 8+

Fuzby rules the Neighborhood with an iron fist. When a strange cat comes in to disrupt the careful order she’s created, she must go on the run. With the help of Charlie, a friendly kitten, Fuzby must decide whether she will become a true Guardian of the Neighborhood even if it means exploring the painful truth of what she’s become. The greatest heroes start out villains.

Guardians of the Neighborhood is such a sweet book with messages of forgiveness and familial love. It was fun to see the world through the eyes of animals and get a peek into how they see the strange things humans have created. I loved seeing Fuzby change from a cold, hard ruler to a gentle, kind protector. Charlie’s endless energy and optimism were so much fun in contrast to Fuzby. He’d seemed to bounce cheerfully through the story. He may or may not have been my favorite character. (:

One of my favorite quotes: “She was turning to a fresh page, and was writing a new chapter. Fuzby smiled. Scratch that, she was writing a whole new book!”

Spotlight: Interview with Rebecca Chisam

Hello Rebecca! Thank you so much for giving me a copy of your book to read and for doing this interview with me. Would you tell me a little about you and your writing?

Hi! I’m glad to be here! I am a teenage writer from Massachusetts. I love telling stories, especially about my furry friend Fuzby. In my free time, I enjoy horseback riding and animating. Guardians of the Neighborhood is my first self-published book and is one that I believe many different audiences can enjoy. 

What is your favorite part of writing?

My favorite part of writing is the unexpected places you can find yourself in. Outlining is important, no question, but when you are writing one day and a new idea comes to you that enhances the story so well, it’s very exciting! 

Who is your favorite character in Guardians of the Neighborhood and why?

Hmm, that’s a tricky question! Most of my characters have little pieces of me, or those I know mixed into their personalities. I would have to say Fuzby, though I’m a little biased due to our real-life connections. :) But fictional Fuzby was a joy to follow through her arc in this book. I love her growth, and how deep down, even though she tries to hide this fact, she’s not quite as strong as she wants to be.

Also Ralph. I love that guy to bits for no particular reason. <3

What are some books you’d recommend to readers who enjoyed Guardians of the Neighborhood?

I would recommend the Cat Pack series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor for younger audiences. These books have a similar charm, from what I recall. For older audiences who enjoy feline fiction, I would suggest the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. That’ll keep you busy for a while. ;)

What is your favorite piece of writing advice that you’ve ever heard?

I’m currently blanking on its source, but I quite like the advice “Writers write.” It’s simple and seems a bit ridiculous (of course writers write!) but I like it. Sometimes we tend to overcomplicate things. But this quote reminds you to sit down, find your place in the story, and just write. It's okay if it's not perfect now, but you won’t have anything to fix if you don’t write at all! :)

Will there be a sequel to Guardians of the Neighborhood?

Yes, there will be! I’ve completed a draft of Book 2 already, and I’m excited to sit down and work on refining it. :)

Though I don’t have a date in mind for its release yet, I can assure you that when it does come out, readers will get to follow our Guardians to new heights and places. (With a special focus on a certain fellow who’s no-longer-quite-a-kitten and whom various readers have expressed their affections for.)

Thanks for having me! Hope you have a great day! 😀

You can find out more about Rebecca and her books on her website or by subscribing to her newsletter.

Quick Writing Update

  • Finished The Phoenix Pendant

  • Continued editing Light Turned to Darkness

  • Continued outlining an unnamed story

  • Worked on a couple of random shorter stories

  • Got rejected for the first time

What did you think of my interview with Rebecca Chisam? What’s one thing you’d like to see more of from me? Let me know by replying directly to this email or leaving me a comment on the website that corresponds to The Introverted Writer!

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great rest of your day!

Abby Henderson

P.S. Next month I have a special Mother’s Day short story!


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