January Newsletter

2024 Goals

Happy New Year everyone! I hope the first couple days of 2024 have been great for you!

Today, I thought I’d share my goals for 2024 both in writing and life in general.

Quick Summary

  • 2024 Writing Goals

  • 2024 Life Goals

  • Newsletter Spotlight

  • Quick Writing Update

2024 Writing Goals

  • Reach 50 newsletter subscribers (you can help me with this by sharing The Introverted Writer with others!)

  • Complete 2 full-length novels (already about halfway done with one)

  • Complete 3 fairy tale retelling novelettes

  • Prepare to publish my first book in 2025 (hopefully!)

  • Finish editing 3 projects

2024 Life Goals

  • Read 40 books

  • Sing a duet with my sister at a recital

  • Try driving on snow (if the snow will ever come)

  • Send a letter to someone once a week

  • Finish the school year at a decent time (not early July like last year)

Newsletter Spotlight

Today I’m doing an newsletter spotlight for Honora Reese’s email list. She’s a writer I met in a writing community that I’m part of: The Young Writer’s Workshop. I’m subscribed to her newsletter and really enjoy getting her weekly emails!

Honora Reese is a young Christian writer who loves running barefoot through the grass, drinking hot cocoa while writing her newest poem, and whose goal is to praise the Lord and lead others to Him through her writing. (Taken from her about page)

She has cowritten Faith of Four Seasons with Erin Hylands and contributed to The Life of a Writer.

Quick Writing Update

  • I reached 30,000 words on The Phoenix Pendant

  • I started draft #3 or Light Turned to Darkness

  • I started a new fairy tale retelling: Cinderella

Want to find out more about these projects? Click here to find out!

What are your goals for the new year? Let me know by leaving me a comment on the website that corresponds with The Introverted Writer or reply directly to this email!

Thank you for reading! Have a great week!

Abby Henderson

P.S. Are you wondering why you don’t see the author spotlight with Erin Highlands I mentioned last time? That didn’t work out for the January newsletter, but hopefully sometime!


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