February Newsletter

A writing update, book review, and author interview

Hello everyone! How have you been?

I’m once again trying a different format. Thank you all for bearing with me as I try and find the right way to do this (:

Writing: Quick Update

This month has mostly consisted of working on my two main projects: The Phoenix Pendant and Light Turned to Darkness along with outlining my next book.

I reached 45,000 words on The Phoenix Pendant this month which means I’m halfway done with my 2nd book! It’s kind of hard to believe.

On Light Turned to Darkness, I’m approximately a quarter of the way done with the 3rd draft.

Curious about what these stories are about? Click here to find out more!

Reading: The Darkest War Book Review

The Darkest War by Isabella Ruiz

This book drew me in right from the start!

Genre: dystopian/romance

Age rating: 13-18

A marriage alliance is the last thing Princess Isadora wants. She has her life all planned out; marry Lucien and rule the Night. That plan is all thrown out the window when the fighting between her kingdom and the Day gets more intense. Now she’s stuck marrying the proud, selfish Prince Drykan, but is that really the true Drykan?

I really enjoyed Isabella Ruiz’s debut novel: The Darkest War. It’s an interesting mix of fantasy, dystopian, and romance. There are all the best things about a fantasy setting: carriages, castles, and amazing world building with all the best things about the dystopian: modern conveniences and plots to overthrow the government. 

When I started it on my Kindle, I thought I’d read a chapter or two a night, but soon, I was staying up past my bedtime, unable to put it down. The Darkest War is one of those addictive, I-need-to-know-what-happens-next kind of books. I recommend this book to all dystopian/romance lovers!

Here are my favorite quotes:

  • “They say the war split the sky into two. That nature itself sobbed at the death, pain, and havoc that we were creating.” 

  • “You would never understand it.” “Maybe not…” he said hesitantly. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t listen.” 

Spotlight: Interview with Isabella Ruiz author of The Darkest War

Hello, Isabella! Thank you so much for being willing to do an interview with me. Would you tell me a little bit about you and your writing?

Of course! Well, I’m a teenage author from southern Alabama who aims to inspire and entertain with stories of hope in dark times.

Who is your favorite character in The Darkest War and why?

Drykan Seneca, the Prince of The Day. He’s just such an interesting character to write and try to figure out. He deals with a lot of difficult trials throughout The Darkest War (and later books…) but he stays resilient, which I admire. He also cares for people and stays good, despite the bad he’s been through.

What are some books that you would recommend to readers who enjoyed The Darkest War?

I love this question. Definitely The Selection by Kiera Cass. Also, Snow Like Ashes trilogy by Sara Raasch has some similar elements, for sure.

What is your favorite piece of writing advice you’ve ever heard?

Write the book you want to read.

And finally, The Darkest War ends on a cliffhanger. Will there be a sequel?

Yes, there absolutely will be more books to come!

You can learn more about Isabella and her book by subscribing to her email list or following her on Instagram or Goodreads.

What did you think about my book review of the Darkest War? What are some of your favorite books? Please leave me a comment on the website that corresponds with The Introverted Writer or respond directly to this email.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

Abby Henderson

P.S. Thank you all for helping me hit my goal of 50 subscribers for the year!


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