March Newsletter

A Short Story, Simon Sort of Says, and Meeting Marissa Meyer

Hello, everyone! How was your month?

I have another short story and book review for you today that I’m really excited to share with you! They are very different, but hopefully both are enjoyable (:

Writing: A Driver’s Ed Zoom Call

Today I was looking back through my google docs trying to find a piece of writing to share with you. Then, my eyes landed on a short story I’d written a while ago after completing, you guessed it, driver’s ed over zoom.

This story is based off my own experience with driver’s education and all the characters are based on real people with their names changed. I didn’t have a ton of tine to edit it, but I hope you still enjoy it!

Reading: Simon Sort of Says by Erin Bow

Simon Sort of Says by Erin Bow

This book made me both laugh out loud and want to cry.

Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary

Age rating: 12+

Desperate to escape the unwanted attention that being the survivor of a school shooting brings, Simon O’Keefe and his family move to the National Quiet Zone. No radios of any kind are allowed here which means no phones, no internet, no way for his new neighbors to discover his past. Simon is unwillingly roped into a plot to pretend to be life from outer space, all the while learning to never forget the past but to put it behind him as well.

This book seriously made me go through all the emotions. There is so much pain in this story as well as laugh-out-loud comedy. I cannot recommend this book enough, but be prepared to cry a time or two.

Spotlight: Meeting Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer is the New York Times bestselling author of The Lunar Chronicles, The Renegades Trilogy, Heartless, and Instant Karma along with many others. Her latest book, With A Little Luck was released on February 13th. To celebrate she went on a book tour, traveling all over the United States.

When I found out she was coming to Minnesota, I may have actually squealed. Authors rarely if never come to Minnesota. They tend to stick to places like New York, Texas, and California.

I was so excited that I, along with my mom, sister, aunt, and cousin, got to attend her event. I had so much fun listening to her answer questions and getting my book signed. It’s still slightly unreal that the lady who’s picture is in the back of some of my favorite books actually talked to me!

Quick Writing Update

  • Wrote 8,000 words in The Phoenix Pendant

  • Continued editing Light Turned to Darkness

  • Finished a rough outline of an unnamed novel

  • Wrote lots of flash fiction

  • Submitted a piece of flash fiction for publication

Curious what these stories are about? Click here to find out.

What did you think about my review of Simon Sort of Says? What’s one of your favorite books you’ve read recently? Let me know by replying directly to this email or leaving me a comment of the website that corresponds to The Introverted Writer!

Thank you so much for reading! Have a great rest of your day!

Abby Henderson

P.S. Next month we have another exciting author interview coming up!


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